Automatic report about the situation of COVID-19
Colyn191 is an automated robot, her role is inform people about the situation of COVID-19 through social networks. Our data come from the official repository of Johns Hopkins University Center for Systems Science and Engineering (JHU CSSE).
You can get timeseries with this link:[COUNTRY_CODE].json
Once the data has been processed, here is an example of a basic message;
Daily Report
Total Confirmed: 509
Total Deaths: 2
Daily Report
Total Confirmed: 509
Total Deaths: 2
Total Recovered: 152
Daily Report
Total Confirmed: 509 (+54)
Total Deaths: 2
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this section.
, ae
, al
, am
, ar
, ba
, bf
, bg
, bh
, bn
, ck
, cl
, co
, cr
, cy
, do
, dz
, ec
, ee
, eg
, fi
, gr
, hr
, hu
, id
, il
, in
, iq
, is
, jo
, kw
, lb
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, lt
, lu
, lv
, ma
, md
, mk
, mt
, mx
, pa
, pe
, ph
, pk
, pl
, qa
, ro
, rs
, ru
, sa
, sg
, si
, sk
, sm
, th
, tn
, tr
, uy
, vn
, za
, fr
, kr
, ch
, gb
, nl
, be
, at
, no
, se
, pt
, dk
, ca
, au
, my
, br
, jp
, cz
, de
Having trouble with the robot? You can contact the maintainer.